Blogs of Nexus, Sept. 27 – Oct. 3

WildStar Free to Play has launched, and the blogosphere has been abuzz with the news! Welcome to a new weekly column where we delve into the blogging community at large to see what folks have to say regarding their thoughts and experiences on Nexus.

Check out this week’s entries after the jump.


Monday started off with folks looking forward to the launch of Free to Play.

  • Scopique of Level Capped discussed how WildStar is his go-to game, and that he plans to stay subbed for the time being, until he figures out if the Signature benefits are worth it or not.
  • Gracie of Moonshine Mansion shared some thoughts and screenshots of in-game parties that were celebrating the launch.


  • Wilhelm from The Ancient Gaming Noob gave a quick recap on the history of WS going F2P and questions what there really is to draw new players into the game–is it really a godsend to go F2P?
  • Gracie hopped into the game an hour earlier than midnight launch, along with some other fans watching the midnight stream, but ran into some crippling bugs. However, she hopes they’re sorted out sooner rather than later, because she wants the WS hype to translate into lots of new players, rather than “internet rants about the rough launch”.


Wednesday heralded a large number of posts on WildStar as a whole.

  • Aywren of Clean Casuals rolled up a new character, and decided to give WildStar a try for the third time. She discusses the ways the devs can keep her interest, and goes into depth about her experiences with a new character, as well as some launch woes.
  • Gracie spent Wednesday coming up with solutions to the lag, such as checking on her alt characters… and finding out that they were in mostly crafted gear, and thus, naked. So be sure to check your own characters!
  • Sagacyte of Sagacyte’s Digital Adventures downloaded the client, and is looking forward to checking WildStar out as a “fun side-activity for those off-days”.
  • Syp of Bio Break mentions some woes with initial queue times and lag, describes launch as “kind of a weird mixture of launch, expansion, and Christmas”, and lists the features he’s been enjoying, and those that he feels a little iffy about.
  • Belghast of Tales of the Aggronaut was able to collect rewards and go through his mailbox, but the server instability kept him from doing much else.
  • Ethu of Pointy Ears decided to give the game a second try. They discuss some nostalgia, both good and bad about the game, and then everything they’ve enjoyed so far about the launch. While they don’t know if it will keep their interest, they are optimistic for their initial playtime.
  • Saskia of Aeternus Gaming explores both an Engineer and Spellslinger for the first time, and talks a bit about leveling them through the lag (which they hope will be under control soon!).


  • Gracie posted a spoilerific account of her experiences in Alpha Sanctum which she generally enjoyed. She hopes that “this earlier introduction to the Eldan and their “great work” helps get even more people hooked on the lore of WildStar.”


  • Sagacyte comically addresses login issues, but also admits to spending time listening to the Main Theme of the game, complimenting how it drives their desire to play.
  • Notes from Nexus discusses the importance of manners, and how disrespecting, and even going so far as harrassing developers because you are aggravated at the state of the game is not appropriate, nor appreciated–that the developers are people, too, and are working as hard as they can.


  • Wolfy of Through Wolfy’s Eyes closed up the week and discussed their RP motivations for characters, and explained a little bit about their Aurin Slinger.

Did you write something in your blog about WildStar that I missed? Send me the link, and I’ll keep an eye on your blog for future columns!